In third grade we have a spelling list each week. On the Friday before the upcoming week the students are given 20 words in a pretest. After the words are corrected the students are expected to learn any words they have missed from the pretest and addition words from the challenge list to make a list of 20 words for the week. We will do a couple of spelling activities to aid the students in learning the meanings and spellings of the words. Daily practice at home is expected to master the lists. 

Vocabulary is taught on alternate weeks. We introduce the unit on Monday and practice the definitions, synonyms, and antonym during the week. Tests each week are usually scheduled for alternating Thursdays. In the past many students have struggled with the vocab tests. It may be very beneficial for you to work on the vocab words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms throughout the two week period to ensure mastery of the words each test period. You may find making flashcards for these a helpful tool.




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